
MASS – CATECHESIS at Archdiocese of Köln – March 2022

Bonn 53113 Sträßchensweg 3 Sankt Winfried Kirche, every Sunday, 1:30 p.m.

March 6Mila
March 13Malou
March 20Lando
March 27Amy
* Please get further confirmation from Malou.


AddressChurchTimeScheduleMarch 2022Catechist*
Euskirchen, 53879 
Franziskanerplatz 1
St Matthias Kirche4:00 p.m.First Sunday6Theo
Siegburg 53721
Kaldauer strasse, 23
Maria Empfängnis Kirche2:00 p.m.Second Saturday12Cely
Hennef (Sieg) 53773
Frankfurter Str.
Katholische Pfarrgemeinde Liebfrauen Hennef-Warth4:30 p.m.Second Saturday (alternating month)12Liberty
Gummersbach 51643 Bickenbachstrasse 8
Sankt Klemens Kirche4:00 p.m.Second Sunday13Maria
Wuppertal 42113
Nevigerstrasse, 302
Christ König Kirche3:30 p.m.Third Saturday20Liberty
Bergheim 50126
Luisenstrasse, 18
St. Hubertus Kirche11:00 p.m.Third Sunday18Amy
Monchengladbach 41238
Borrengasse, 11
St Gereon Kirche1:00 p.m.Fourth Saturday26Liberty
Dusseldorf, 40477
Ludwig-Wolker-Str., 10
Heilig Geist Kirche
4:00 p.m.Fourth Saturday26Liberty
Köln 50670
Am Gereonshof, 2
St Gereon Basilica4:00 p.m.Fourth Sunday27Liberty
* Please get further confirmation from Badette.

Beauty grows in you to the extent that love grows, because charity itself is the soul’s beauty.

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Updated as of 12 March 2022