In his address to the Latin Bishops Conference in 1983, St. John Paul II, described new evangelization as “the courage to forge new paths in responding to the changing circumstances and conditions facing the Church in her call to proclaim and live the Gospel today.” The Faith Education Programme provides continuing faith education to equip the lay leaders with knowledge, skills and attitude to be able serve their communities effectively.

Training for Commentators and Lectors (TCL)
To develop the skills in serving as commentators and Lectors, during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  In particular, the participants should be able:

a)To understand the different parts of the Mass and their significance;
b)To understand the Church liturgical calendar, feasts and solemnities; and
c)To develop and improve the skills in reading the scriptures

Training for catechists (TFC)
To come up with a systematic and well-structured  formation program for catechists based on the CCC, Church doctrines and other catechetical documents approved by the Roman Catholic Church.

Sunday Catechesis (SC)
To give 15-minute catechesis before the start of liturgical celebration of the Holy Mass; topics range from catholic beliefs, worship to moral code.  Some themes include creation and fall of man, faith and revelation, sacraments, prayers of the church and ten commandments,