References by Subject Matter

  1. Introduction to Theology:
  2. O’Collins, Gerald and Daniel Kendall (1997)
  3. The Bible for Theology:Ten Principles for the Theological Use of Scripture, Paulist Press
  4. Dulles , Avery, Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic perspectices (1981), Vol. 1
  5. Gratsch, Edward, John R. Civile, Ralph J. Lawrence, Donald G. McCarthy, Principles of Catholic Theology
  6. Mc Grath, Alister (1997), Christian Theology
  7. Parrat, John (1996), A Guide to Doing Theology
  8. Joint Working Group, “The Notion of “Hierarchy of Truths”- An ecumenical interpretation
  9. Congar, Yves (1982), “The Hierarchy of Truths,” Diversity and Communism
  10. Schreck, Alan, Catholic Christian, pp41-53, pp5-12.
  11. Origin of Sects and Religion 

Revelation and Faith


  1. Neuner & Dupuis, The Christian Faith,
  2. Kasper, Walter
  3. McSweeney, Six stages of development of faith
  4. Pontifical council, “Notions of truth”
  5. PCP II, “The Call of Jesus”


  1. Documents of Vatican II, Dei Verbum
  2. Latourelle, Rene, Finality of Revelation
  3. Latourelle, Rene, Theology of Revelation 


  1. Lecture 1, Introduction to Trinity
  2. Cruz, Emmanuel, Pre-Theological Possession of the Trinitarian Faith (abridged, New Catholic Encyclopedia)
  3. Cruz, Emmanuel, God one and Triune (Abridged, New Catholic Encyclopedia)
  4. Cozens, M.L. (1928), A Handbook of Heresies
  5. Foley, Leonard, OFM (1988), The Trinity: The Mystery at the Heart of Life
  6. Hill, Edmund (1985), The Mystery of the Trinity
  7. La Cugna, Catherine Mowry, “The Trinitarian Mystery of God,” Systematic Theology Part 1
  8. Marsh, Thomas (1994) The Triune God – A Biblical, Historical and Theological Study 
  9. NEW [Ch1-2] Neuner and Dupuis, Chapter III – The Triune God, The Catholic Faith, New York: Alba House, 2001 

Theological Anthropology:

  1. Cruz, (Fr) Manny. Notes.
  2. Hontiveros, Eduardo, SJ (1988), Theological Anthropology
  3. Haffner, Paul (1995), Mystery of Creation, Gracewing Publishing Accordion Content


  1. O’Collins, Gerald. (1983). Chapter 1- “Preliminaries.” Interpreting Jesus (1983). pp. 1-33.
  2. Mc Grath, Alister (1997). Addenda:  New Testament Christological Affirmations (6 pages). Christian Theology:  An Introduction
  3. Gresham, John L, Ch“(2) The Names and Titles of Jesus in Scripture,” Jesus 101: God and Man, 
  4. Smith, Virginia, “The Four Faces of Jesus,” Catholic Update
  5. O´Collins, Gerald, Ministry of Jesus. Interpreting Jesus, pp. 35-47 (A Pre-Notanda prepared by Emmanuel Cruz)
  6. Kasper, Walter (2011). Chapter II-A-”Earthly Jesus.” Jesus the Christ, New York: T&T Clark International (First edition , 1976 by Burns and Oates) 
  7. Schillebeeckx, Edward, (1963), “The Primordial Sacrament,” The Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, London: Sheed & Ward
  8. “The Person of Christ”
  9. De Letter, P. “Jesus Christ´s Divinity. New Catholic Encyclopedia.
  10. “Jesus Christ, Perfect Man”, 
  11. Cruz, Immanuel (Private Notes), Christology Part Two (Soteriology)”
  12. O’Collins, Gerald. (1983). Chapter 5- “Jesus, the World´s Redeemer.” Interpreting Jesus (1983). pp. 133-169.
  13. Finley, Mitch, “What It means to be Saved,” Catholic Update (1986)
  14. [XT 14] Chapter 1 of Tertio Millenio Adveniente
  15. [XT 15] Chapter 2 of Redemptoris Missio
  16. McBride, Dennis JESUS AND THE GOSPELS
  17. McDermott, Brian O., “THE JESUS OF THE MINISTRY IN THE FOUR GOSPELS”, WORD BECOME FLESH: Dimensions of Christology (1993)
  18. Rausch, Thomas P., Who is Jesus? An Intro to Christology
  19. The first images of Jesus,
  20. Bargil Pixner, “Jesus, the Natzorean,” With Jesus through Galilee according to the Fifth Gospel (1992)


  1. Cruz, Manny (private notes), I Believe in the Catholic Church
  2. Cruz, Manny (private notes), The Nature of the Unity We Seek
  3. Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church understood as Communion
  4. Cruz, Manny (private notes), Theses on the Ecclesiology of Vatican II
  5. Mc Donnel, John, Church: A Christian Communion of Disciples
  6. Mc Brien, Richard, The Church: The Evolution of Catholicism, Part V-VIII ); – Part V : The Ecclesiology of Vatican II, – Part VI: Post-Vatican II Ecclesiology, the Church Ad Extra, – Part VII: Post-Vatican II Ecclesiology, the Church Ad Intra , – Part VIII: The Future of the Church and Its Ecclesiologies Schmaus, Overview of the History of Ecclesiology
  7. Sullivan, Francis, The Church We Believe In, Ch 1-3
  8. Vatican II’s Description of the Church

Selected Vat II documents


  1. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, A Pastoral Letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary (Julio R. Cardinal Rosales, 1975), 
  2. Borchard, Therese Johnson, August 1999, Our Blessed Mother: Mary in Catholic Tradition (Crossroad Faith & Formation Book)


  1. [ESCHA 1] International Theological Commission, 1992. “Some Current Questions in Eschatology  Letter on Certain Questions Concerning Eschatology [
  2. ESCHA 2] Structured notes on Eschatology, Daughters of St Paul edition 
  3. ESCHA 3] Apena, Kent Andrew, Marvin Borda and John Michael de la Cruz, Eschatology in the Jewish Thought, ICMAS 
  4. [ESCHA 4]pena, Kent Andrew, Marvin Borda and John Michael de la Cruz, NT Eschatology, ICMAS 
  5. [ESCHA 6] Apena, Kent Andrew, Marvin Borda and John Michael de la Cruz, Glossary of Key Terms and Persons related to Eschatology 
  6. [ESCHA 6] Hellwig, Monika, Ch 10 – Eschatology, Systematic Theology – Roman Catholic Perspectives Vol II, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1992 
  7. [ESCHA7]
  8. [ESCHA8.1] Theology of Last Realities 
  9. [ESCHA8.2] Theology of Last Realities 
  10. [ESCHA8.3] Theology of Last Realities 

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