Meaningful Appreciation of Faith through Ministerial Collaboration (MAFAMCO)

Meaningful Appreciation of Faith through Ministerial Collaboration (MAFAMCO) is a certificate programme offered to Filipino Catholic Lay Leaders in Europe who will undergo a comprehensive academic programme in theology for lay persons to prepare them for a pastoral work in their communities.

The Programme is aimed at preparing the students for an active participation in the life and ministry of the Church, specially in the field of doctrinal formation and education in the faith. In particular, the students will be equipped with intellectual competence and confidence in articulating, explaining and teaching the Catholic faith.

Courses offered

The following are courses offered and the modules. The design of the courses is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)

M-Creed: What we Believe

· Introduction
· Revelation and Faith
· God One and Triune
· Creation and Theological Anthropology
· The Work and Person of the Redeemer
· Theology of the Last Things
· Theology of the Church and Ecclesiology
· Holy Spirit and Life of Grace

M-Cult: Church Worship and Introduction to Sacramentology


M-Code: Life in Christ



Current session

– Basic Creed: Cologne region (May 2019 to May 2020)

– Deepening Creed: Hamburg region (Oct 2018-May 2021)

– Life in Christ:  Bonn region (Oct 2018 to October 2021)

Past session

– Church Worship and Introduction to Sacramentology (Oct 2017 to May 2019)
